Dan-Gun Pattern

Dan-Gun is named after the holy Dan-Gun, the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2333 BC.  An interesting note about this pattern is that all the punches in Dan Gun are high section punches (eye level), symbolizing Dan-Gun scaling a mountain.  There are 21 Steps in this pattern.

You can download the PDF that lists all the steps in the pattern HERE.   

The Dan-Gun pattern is demonstrated on these two web sites:

The Pattern:  





The Steps:

          Ready Stance = Parallel Ready Stance

  • 1. Move Left foot to 'B' (90 degrees counter-clockwise) forming Right back stance at the same time execute Middle section guarding block with knife-hand.
  • 2. Move Right foot forward to 'B' forming Right front stance while executing High section punch with Right fist.
  • 3. Move Right foot to 'A' (180 degrees clockwise) forming Left back stance at the same time execute Middle section guarding block with knife-hand.
  • 4. Move Left foot forward to 'A' forming Left front stance at the same time execute High section punch with Left fist.
  • 5. Move Left foot to 'D' (90 degrees counter-clockwise) forming Left front stance while executing Low section block.
  • 6. Move Right foot forward to 'D' forming Right front stance while executing High section punch with Right fist.
  • 7. Move Left foot forward to 'D' forming Left front stance while executing High section punch with Left fist.
  • 8. Move Right foot forward to 'D' forming Right front stance while executing High section punch with Right fist.
  • 9. Move Left foot to 'E' (pivot on right foot turning counter-clockwise 270 degrees) forming Right back stance at the same time execute twin forearm block.
  • 10. Move Right foot forward to 'E' forming Right front stance at the same time execute High section punch with Right fist.
  • 11. Move Right foot to 'F’ (pivot on left foot turning clockwise 180 degrees) forming Left back stance while executing twin forearm block.
  • 12. Move Left foot forward to 'F' forming Left front stance at the same time execute High section punch with Left fist.
  • 13. Move Left foot to 'C' (90 degrees counter-clockwise) forming Left front stance while executing Low section block with Left forearm.
  • 14. Execute rising block with Left forearm.
  • (*perform 13 and 14 in a fast motion)
  • 15. Move Right foot forward to 'C' forming Right front stance while executing rising block with Right forearm. 
  • 16. Move Left foot forward to 'C' forming Left front stance while executing rising block with Left forearm. 
  • 17. Move Right foot forward to 'C' forming Right front stance while executing rising block with Right forearm.
  • 18. Move Left foot to 'B' (pivot on right foot turning counter-clockwise 270 degrees) forming Right back stance at the same time execute Middle section strike with Left knife-hand.
  • 19. Move Right foot to 'B' forming Right front stance while executing High section punch with Right fist.
  • 20. Move Right foot to 'A' (pivot on left foot turning clockwise 180 degrees) forming Left back stance at the same time execute Middle section strike with Right knife-hand.
  • 21. Move Left foot to 'A' forming Left front stance while executing High section punch with Left fist.
  • Kihap.

END                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Maintain the last step until the "return to ready stance" command is given then, bring Left foot back to the parallel ready stance. 
